Panama Trip - Feb 14-21, 2006 - Copyright C. Scott 2006

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Panama Canal Facilities
Panama Canal Cranes
Panama Canal widens
Ken & Adrian in Panam Canal
View of Panama Canal from Top Deck of Tour Boat
View of Panama Canal from Top Deck of Tour Boat
The Panama Canal widens into Gatun Lake
Gatun Lake
Gatun Lake
Approaching Gatun Locks
Dam near Gatun Locks
Twp ships entering Gatun Locks side by side.
Twp ships squeezing into Gatun Locks side by side.
Ken & Christine at Gatun Locks
Ken, Christine & Adrian at Gatun Locks
In Gatun Locks
Ship in lock beside ours at Gatun Locks.
Locomotive doing its job at Gatun Locks
Locomotive doing its job at Gatun Locks
Locomotive doing its job at Gatun Locks

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