Little Cayman - underwater
( all photos Copyright ( C) 2004, Christine Scott )

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DP7180002 DP7180006 P7180046 P7180059 P7180061 P7180069
Southern Stingray & Bar Jack Southern Stingray & Bar Jack Bubbles Coral Sea Fans Scrawled Filefish Whitespotted Filefish
P7180074 P7180076 P7180081 P7190009 P7190010 P7190027
Spotfin Butterflyfish Squirrelfish Whitespotted Filefish Sand Tilefish Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber Banded-arm Brittle Star on Sponge
P7190030 P7190036 P7190037 P7190043 P7190048 P7190062
Sponges Shrimp Giant Anemone French Angefish French Angefish Nurse Shark
P7190064 P7190079 P7200114 P7200121 P7200006 P7210012
Banded Coral Shrimp & Fairy Basslet Spotted Drum Juvenile Linda Patting Benji the Grouper Green Moray Eel Giant Anemone Blue Chromis & Finger Coral