Carolyn In Action.
Off To Another Dive Site
Heading Out To Dive
Gene & Mary
Pool Time
Beach Ball Fun
Reach For The Ball
Get The Ball!
The BeachBall Bleachers
No you can't have my bottle!
That's it...You can't play with my ball anymore!
The Dive Dock
Will someone please pull the strings for us?
Sorry, gotta go, the dinner bell is ringing.
Dave's proudly displays a new talent (ringing the dinner bell).
Marilyn and Carolyn, first in line at the buffet table again.
Carolyn speeds ahead of Marilyn
Everyone's happy to be at the table for another sumptuous meal
Marilyn, Bill & Ron At Dinner.
Carolyn, Gene, Mark & Linda At Dinner
Mary and Christine at Dinner
Mark & Carolyn